General Interest

As some of our loyal readers know, we started this website back in the late 1990's.  The internet was young.  We weren't, but we were certainly younger than we are now.  This was before the age of targeted, specific websites, and ours did double duty, as both a commercial site and as a non-commercial collection of more or less useful information.

We no longer sell used books, but we do still provide what we hope is useful information, divided into a few primary categories: Folklore, Book Collecting, Personal Growth, Games and Gaming, Hobbies, and General Interest.  "General Interest" is, of course, a catch-all term, but it certainly sounds better than "Miscellaneous."  Besides, it turns out that we needed to have a Miscellaneous section on our General Interest page.  In any event, the purpose of this page is to provide an index to our General Interest pages. 




Arts, Literature, Music




Games, Hobbies, and Pastimes



Personal Growth




Disclosure: We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. We do have advertisements with links to other sites on our pages, and may receive compensation when you click on one of those links and/or purchase something from one of those sites.


Copyright © D. J. McAdam· All Rights Reserved