Federal Creed of Service


(Note: This Federal Creed of Service was printed on an Employment Folder from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. 
I do not know the original author, date written, or anything else about it, and have not
seen it used at other federal agencies . . . though perhaps it should be!  --DJMc.)


We as members of the civil service accept our obligation and
our opportunity to serve the American people well and
in full measure, doing our best to further the free and
democratic institutions of our country.

We believe it is our duty to
Carry out loyally the will of the people as expressed in
our laws
Serve the public with fairness, courtesy, integrity and
Help improve the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness
of our work

. . . and thus do our part in performing the great services
of the Government.



See also, if applicable: U.S. Military Code of Conduct





Copyright © D. J. McAdam· All Rights Reserved