The Varsoviana, or Varsovienne
This is a round dance for two, which, like the Polka Mazurka, is a combination of the steps of one or two other dances. Since the introduction of the Polka and the Cellarius, several dances have been invented which partake largely of the character of both. La Varsovienne is very graceful, and was popular in England a few years ago. It is not often danced now.
Take your partner as for the Waltz. Count three in each bar. Time much the same as in Polka Mazurka. The music is generally divided into parts of sixteen bars each. The steps for the gentleman is as follows in the first part:–
Slide left foot to the left; slightly spring forward with right foot, twice, leaving the left foot raised behind, in readiness for next step, (1st bar.) Repeat the same. (2nd bar.) One polka step, during which turn. (3rd bar.) Bring your right foot to the second position, and wait a whole bar. (4th bar.) Resume first step with right foot, and repeat throughout, reversing order of feet. Lady, as usual, begins with her right foot, doing the same step.
Second step in second part. 1st bar.—Gentleman, beginning with his left foot, does one polka step to the left, turning partner.
2nd bar.—Bring right foot to the second position, and bend towards it; wait a whole bar.
3rd bar.—One polka step with right foot to the right, turning partner.
4th bar.—Left foot to second position; bend towards it, and wait as before.
Third part.—Take three polka steps to the left. (This occupies three bars.) Bring right foot to second position, and wait one bar. Repeat the same, beginning with right foot to the right.
Original text by George Routledge, edited and revised by D. J. McAdam – this text © 2005.